Category: ISO 14001

Category: ISO 14001

ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management systems

ISO 14001 Certification: A Guide to Environmental Management Systems

ISO 14001 is an internationally-recognized certification program. It defines a global standard with specific requirements for a robust environmental management system or EMS. ISO 14001 delivers a framework that all organizations can follow. It only needs adherence and does not need many resources. In fact, it is part of the management system certification, and the ISO 14000 family of standards on environmental management defines a voluntary standard that all the organizations can certify to.  Integrating ISO 140001 and other management standards can assist in accomplishing organizational goals. It is often paired with ISO 9001. The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, defines the environmental management system in an organization as a vital part of the management system. It is essential to manage environmental aspects and meet the obligations for environmental awareness. Understanding ISO 14001 – Obtain an overview. ISO 14001 is a well-defined set of business standards. It is a comprehensive guide for developing a robust environmental management system. The standards are apt for any type of business. ISO 14001 offers the best assurance of the environmental impacts with a consistent improvement approach. The assurance is convenient to convey to the stakeholders, like the employees and investors, via an ISO audit and certification. The ISO 14001 standards were designed by 70 participating ISO members, with optimal expertise and insight for the development of the global standards.  ISO is a national standard body with a global approach. ISO 14001 standards are for the environmental management requirements in the organization. While other management systems, like ISO 9001 are apt for quality management, ISO 45001 for occupational health safety, and many more. Simply put, it facilitates the integration steps of ISO 14001 with an existing ISO management system. What does it cover? ISO 14001 overview of the topics written below, related to an environmental management system or EMS – The revised versions – 14001:2004 versus 14001:2015 The 2015 version of ISO 14001 brought several changes and made it a better choice. The ISO 14001:2015 revision focuses on the process of incorporating a high-level structure. It is effective and uses the mandatory definitions of implementing common standards requirements and clauses. The prime influential aspects of the 2015 revision of the ISO 14001 version include –  Benefits of ISO 14001 for an organization ISO 14001 is apt for organizations of various types and sizes. It includes private businesses, non-profit companies, government entities, etc. ISO 14001 facilitates the process of taking steps for all environmental issues in the organization. It is relevant for operations in the organization, including –  The ISO 14001:2015 has more than one benefit for organizations as it helps with the following operational aspects –  The need to implement ISO 14001 – EMS in the organization 1. Legal compliance Getting the ISO 14001 certification makes the organization appear up to date with legal regulations. Avoid the fines and legal hassles with the best EMS practices and ISO 14001 framework. 2. Enhanced reputation with consumers Undoubtedly, the trend is to go green! Hence, more consumers are ‘going green’! With the rapidly growing environmental concerns impact, one can witness a shift in their purchasing decisions. Getting ISO 14001 certification exhibits an active commitment to managing the environmental impact. 3. Competitive advantage With the ISO 14001 certification, step ahead of the competitors! It is profitable if the organization is bidding for the tender. With more and more businesses acquiring the ISO 14001 certification, it is critical to ensure the best decision for the organization.  4. Reduce waste The global standard reduces the amount of waste produced by organizations. Reduce the unnecessary running of machinery and use the resources optimally with the framework guidelines of ISO 14001. By using renewable energy sources in the organization and implementing energy-saving processes, a company becomes energy efficient. 5. Reduce costs Cost reduction is a critical aspect for all organizations. Naturally the rapid increment in efficiency results in reduced costs of business operations. The cost of waste management also reduces, with a direct and positive impact on the environment. 6. Reduced insurance costs Did you know that considering the ISO 14001 certification can reduce insurance premiums? The globally accepted certification proves the performance of the organization and robust due diligence, managing the possibilities of environmental threats. Ensure zero negligence with reduced insurance costs.  In a nutshell – Summing the highlights comprehensively. ISO 14001, in the 2015 version, specifies the need for an environmental management system. It is indispensable for organizations and is critical to enhancing their environmental performance. ISO 14001:2015 is ideal for use by an organization looking for different ways to manage its environmental responsibilities systematically. In fact, it is a crucial part of the environmental pillar of sustainability. Meet the organizational goals and meet the objectives without neglecting the EMS norms. ISO 14001:2015 facilitates an organization to achieve the best outcomes.  Find practical and efficient service with IRQS. With IRQS, connect to a team of the best ISO experts and auditors. Get the best service with an efficient approach and obtain accurate reports. Know the correct pieces of information for ISO 14001 and make a wise decision to benefit your organization and the environment. 

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Leading Energy Audit Firm - Low Cost Energy Audit Service

Going Green: The Benefits of an Environmental Management System for Your Business

Businesses across all industrial domains create a significant impact on the environment. Everyone associated with the company and the operations needs to be sensitive to the impact and side effects. Whether it is an MNC or a company utilizing chemicals for mass production, developing an EMS is the need of the hour. What is EMS? It stands for the environmental management system. As a business owner, it is your professional and social duty to ensure optimal profitability with minimal environmental impact on daily professional operations. ISO 14001 – The EMS standard for all organizations One of the effective ways to ensure better awareness of the protection of greens is by choosing the ISO 14001 framework. It is not simple, but the results are effective. Business owners can plan and implement an efficient environmental management system (EMS) in the organization with the framework of ISO 14001. EMS also helps monitor excessive energy consumption, exploitation of natural resources, and waste management.  An overview – For understanding the purpose of ISO 140001  ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized certification program, specially designed for incorporating an efficient environmental management system or EMS standard in an organization. Developed by the International Organization for Standardization, the objective of ISO 14001 is to deliver a systematic framework for hassle-free implementation of EMS in the organization. It states a comprehensive framework with a set of policies and procedures for effective EMS development and continual improvement of the existing system. Benefits at a glance – It consists of a list of requisites and a detailed plan for recognizing the key pointers that matter in an efficient EMS. It also helps in the detection of the adverse elements that degrade the EMS in your organization. Simply put, the certification program brings more than one benefit that makes it suitable for companies. Read on to explore the benefits –  The majority of the nations have introduced laws to promote and mandate environmental compliance for organizations in distinct ways. It is critical to safeguard the Earth’s ecology, and legal compliance is essential for promoting the same. Going green with the ISO certification helps your business bypass legal issues. The Environmental Protection acts and regulatory norms are vital to abide by for countries. Having the certification and a ready framework helps in the reduction plan for carbon emissions as well. Branding is essential, regardless of the industrial domain. The digital influence on consumers and stakeholders has made ‘going green’ a status symbol. In hindsight, it is a much-needed step. Getting the ISO 14001 certification exhibits green status and creates a lasting impact on your customer. It reflects the active commitment towards monitoring the wastage and adverse environmental impact. Get a chance to elevate the company’s reputation and brand image by following a green approach structured by ISO 14001.  Think practically, and recognize why increasing energy efficiency could impact utility costs. It helps in stating the efficient ways of reusing existing material innovatively. As a result, one can save big time on resources with an efficient waste management strategy. With an enhanced EMS, get a chance to streamline the process and adapt to the emerging green business procedure. Limit the rate and amount of energy usage to save resources and associated expenses, improving the overall efficiency of business operations.  A business taking steps in developing an efficient EMS makes the consumers aware of their trustworthy operations. Green business operations with a well-operating environmental management system exhibit the essentiality of sustainability in their operations. In fact, following the ISO framework helps them incorporate the best practices with enhanced awareness to improve the company culture. Word-of-mouth makes it valuable for organizations in terms of advertising and facilitates publicity. Get a chance to amplify the existing market base with a responsible approach toward making the organization eco-friendly.  Going green creates a profound impact in generating positive feelings from customers and boosts employee morale. In fact, various studies have stated that employees feel safer in an organization that promotes green business operations with ISO 140001 certification. Add value to their professional life and influence the employee retention rate with the best approach and framework for creating a competent EMS. Incorporating the critical steps for efficient environmental protection helps in safeguarding the health and welfare of employees. The responsible approach, and sensible steps followed by the organization motivate the employees to work better and remain part of the organization.   It is high time organizations consider developing an efficient EMS for a green business setup. Government policies and regulations across the globe have made it valuable for all industries to focus on eco-friendliness. The incentive of getting eco-friendly with the operations can help the organization obtain a break from some taxes. One can connect to expert corporate lawyers and environment act specialists to learn more about the growing importance of EMS in availing tax incentives. With growing time, governments are promoting green businesses through corporate tax relief, rebates, etc. Make it a profiting choice for the organization in more than one way! A better workplace – A green status symbol It is not straightforward to adjust the operations with a green routine and develop an efficient EMS in one day. It can take time, but experts can make it smooth. Consider the best certification-acquiring steps and organize training programs for employees to build a better workplace. Make a wise step by establishing your company’s sustainability goals and incorporating new and improved company policies for safeguarding eco-friendliness. Work towards developing a sustainable system and participate in the green community of the corporate world with an ISO certification program.  Get started with an efficient EMS. Start now to go green! It is never too late to think about the environment and make a sensible call! Get started with the certification process by conducting a professional audit. Select the top professionals of IRQS for a thorough audit of the organization and get an out-and-out report. Make better decisions and grow the EMS in your organization with the correct framework and approach. 

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ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001 – Key Benefits of Implementing 14001

The world is becoming a smaller place and businesses are doing business globally at an unprecedented rate. Today, a business can be based anywhere in the world and operate with total freedom to choose its customers, employees, products and even its operating hours. However, all this freedom comes with a price: competition. No matter how big or small your business is, you have to compete with other businesses from around the world.

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