Category: ISO

Category: ISO

The Benefits Of ISO 28000 Supply Chain Management System

The Benefits Of ISO 28000 Supply Chain Management System

The supply chain is a critical and vital part of all industries. Its importance is such that it helps organizations and enables them to operate normally and grow their business, without obstacles. With coronavirus, its importance has risen even further. Today, it is not just regarded as a key driver of customer service improvement but is also regarded as a key instrument for business survival.

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Top 10 benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

Top 10 benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

A recent ITRC report revealed that the number of data breaches so far in 2021 has already surpassed the total number in 2020 by 17%.
With that said, data breaches have gained disrepute, as businesses of all sizes are increasingly reliant on digital data, cloud computing, and a mobile workforce.

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Certified Quality Management Training in ISO 9001

Certified Quality Management Training in ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the world’s most recognized standard dedicated to Quality Management System. Any organization or company, irrespective of its size or field of activity can get ISO 9001 certificate. In fact, there are over millions of companies and organizations in over 195 countries certified to ISO 9001.

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5 major benefits of ISO 13485 implementation

5 major benefits of ISO 13485 implementation

The medical industry is considered more sensitive. Any business venturing into the medical industry is required to follow stringent regulatory requirements. Furthermore, when it comes to the health and safety of the patients, healthcare professionals depend on medical devices. Therefore, ensuring that the medical devices manufactured are of high quality is crucial for customers, stakeholders, patients, and others.

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How An Integrated Management System Can Benefit Organizations

How An Integrated Management System Can Benefit Organizations

In today’s world, most organizations use management systems to set up policies and procedures that can help in achieving their business objectives. A management system is the structure of processes and procedures used to make certain that an organization can manage all tasks required to achieve its objectives.

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What is ISO? Why it is important for companies?

What is ISO? Why it is important for companies?

Would you spend your money buying a home appliance or hardware if it didn’t meet all the quality and safety requirements or could be at risk of being unsafe? The answer would definitely be No. We would be interested in buying a product only if it has been tried, tested, and comply with all the standard requirements.

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