8 Ways to Increase Your Business Cyber Security| Cyber security Guide

8 Ways to Increase Your Business Cyber Security| Cyber security Guide

8 Ways to Increase Your Business Cyber Security| Cyber security Guide

Business Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is more important now than ever before. The threat of a data breach is always looming over your head. Hackers have become more sophisticated and they are now targeting small businesses with an intensity that was never before seen.

In fact, according to a study done by the Ponemon Institute, “85% of survey respondents who experienced a data breach in the past two years were smaller organizations with fewer than 250 employees.” That means that if you run a small business, you are at a greater risk of having all your customer and employee data stolen than a business with 500 or more employees. This should come as no surprise to you. So, If you aren’t already taking the necessary precautions, you will soon find yourself out of business.

However, there are some simple things you can do to help protect yourself from cybercriminals. Here are eight simple tips that will dramatically increase your cybersecurity as tight as possible:

1. Update Your Computer Software and Hardware

Every single month one of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to cybersecurity is failing to keep your software and hardware up-to-date. 

The bad guys are constantly evolving and creating new ways to break into your system. If you are using Windows, you need to make sure you are running the most recent version of the operating system. 

If you are using any type of software, you should make sure it is the latest version too. 

If you are using an email client like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, you should make sure you are using the latest version too. In fact, if you haven’t done so already, you should consider using a different email client. 

2. Back Up Your Data Regularly

What if your hard drive crashes or gets damaged suddenly in a way that makes it impossible for you to access your data?

It can be devastating to lose all your significant data.

For this reason, taking consistent backup of your data should be your high priority to enhance your business cybersecurity. 

3. Use Strong Passwords and Change Them Often

One of the easiest ways for a hacker to get into your computer is by guessing your password. 

It is more common for people to use the same password for every website they visit. 

That means if someone gets a hold of your login information from one of your online accounts, they can access all your other online accounts with no problem at all. 

Thus, it’s a better idea to use a different password for each account. And, it is even better if you use a password manager like 1Password or LastPass to create and store strong passwords for you.

4. Prioritize Risk Assessment

Assessing the risks is one of the most important tasks you should complete when preparing your cybersecurity program. 

It’s the only way to ensure that the controls you choose are fitting the risks your organization faces.

Without a risk assessment, your organization is liable to ignore security threats that could otherwise have destructive effects.  

Also, your time and effort might be wasted dealing with events that are unlikely to occur or won’t bring about significant destruction.

The best way to conduct a risk assessment is by following the guidelines outlined in ISO 27001. It is the international standard for information security management. 


5. Protect Your Computer

The weakest link in your cybersecurity chain is almost always going to be your own computer. 

Make sure all of your computers on your network are up-to-date with the latest software patches. 

Ensure that all of them are running a strong antivirus program and have firewall protection enabled and configured properly. It is important that your firewall be up-to-date because new viruses and malware come out frequently. Your firewall should be set up to automatically update itself. 

Install antivirus software on all of your computers. Make sure all of your computers have the most recent version of the antivirus program too.

It is very common for people to ignore this part of their computer security setup. But, ignoring this step will leave your computer open and vulnerable to attack. 

6. Consistently Review Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures are the records that set up an organization’s rules for handling data.  

Policies offer a broad outline of the organization’s principles, whereas procedures explain how and when things should be done.  

This is another area in which ISO 27001 can help. ISO 27001 contains an extensive list of controls that businesses may choose to adopt if they decide that they must address an identified threat.

By having proper policies and procedures in place, you can ensure that employees understand their security obligations and stick to the lessons taught during their security awareness training.

7. Encryption

Even if you think no one can read your e-mails, you should still encrypt them. There are a number of different encryption methods and programs you can use. 

But, when it comes to e-mail, two of the most common and effective encryption methods are 128-bit encryption and the more advanced “Privet” encryption. 

128-bit encryption is the most common type of encryption used when sending e-mails. It is very easy to implement and is rather inexpensive. Plus, it is effective enough that even if someone gets their hands on your encrypted e-mail, they will still be unable to read it. 

The second most common type of encryption is called “Privet” encryption. This type of encryption is much stronger than 128-bit encryption. It is also more expensive.


An unexpected cyber attack can put a business out of business in a matter of hours. It can cost millions of dollars and seriously disrupt the lives of dozens, even hundreds, of people.

You need to be constantly reviewing and updating your plans and protocols. Make sure your business is as secure as possible. 

In this blog, we’ve talked about ISO 27001 a couple of times, and for good reason.  ISO 27001 is the international standard that offers in-depth guidance on risk management and is designed to help businesses manage their security practices in a simple, centralized way. 

If you want to make your organization certification-ready, our experts can help you get started with ISO 27001.


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